Biomaterials Research Center is highly attractive for students

    Biomaterials Research Center is highly attractive for students – they can touch real science from the start of their career. I’m proud to supervise many talented bachelor’s students who provide a significant impact on the development of our small group. I’m happy, that our alumni continue their careers as PhD students in our team, but also admit prestigious programmes in Poland, Latvia and Canada. This year three of our team members graduated from Sumy State University and get diplomas of Medical Doctors. Julia Varava, Anton Savchenko, Anton Roshshupkin – my warmest congratulation on this important step of your professional life! I’m proud to supervise and co-supervise you within the last 3-5 years! You were involved in many interesting and important projects, delivered talks at numerous international conferences and published very nice papers in prestigious journals. We had fun together!

    We wish you success with all your dreams, and, please, do not stop on this achievement! Let’s continue!

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