PhyMedExp & BRC Shapingthe Future of Regenerative Medicine Together

Human induced pluripotent stem cells, or hiPSCs, have become an important part of modern medicine due to their unique characteristics and vast potential. They are important in several areas, suchas personalized medicine, regenerative medicine, drug development, and disease modeling. Our staff member, Ilia Yanko, who is seeking a PhD in medicine, wassent to Montpellier, France in December to get experience working in such a promising field of study because the Biomaterials Research Center always aims to stay upto date with global scientific trends. He was assisted in learning the new techniques by the French team from the Laboratory of Physiology andExperimental Medicine of the Heart and Muscles, PhyMedExp, which included Dr. Albano C. Meli, Maria João Pereira Ferreira, and Ismael Choukri. The studyfocused on examining how induced pluripotent cells differentiate into cardiomyocytes. From the beginning to the completion of the secondment, theteam members were friendly and helpful, as Ilia states. They continued to support me throughout the Christmas break by providing me with data to examineand tasks to do, as well as by asking me to the Christmas meal with the entire PhyMedExp team to make me feel welcome. I can sum up my business trip by sayingthat it was both emotionally memorable and productive. The BRC team also thanks “Campus France” for helping to arrange the entire secondment quickly and for covering travel expenses, lodging, andinsurance. In the future, we hope to collaborate on even more initiatives in order to create a greatscience together.
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