Biomedical research center


The mechanisms of MXene interaction with leaving systems

Funding Organization: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Overall Budget: 1470,00 UAH
Project Duration: 2022-2025

Project coordinator: Prof. Maksym Pogorielov

Short description

The core idea underlying the project is the specificity of the interaction of MXene with biological systems, which may provide a selective reaction both at the cellular level and in response to the entire organism.

To date, the biocompatibility of MXene has been proven, but based on the variability of the chemical composition, sizes, and the number of layers of nanolaminates, it is possible to propose a hypothesis regarding the differences in levels of toxicity and biocompatibility. Considering that most studies have been conducted using the resazurin reduction reaction, and thanks to the high catalytic activity of MXene, autoreduction is possible, it is necessary to take a more comprehensive approach using microscopic methods of investigation, among others. It is necessary to determine the minimum toxic dose of MXene of different compositions and sizes in relation to adhesive somatic cell cultures using a complex of photometric and microscopic analysis methods. In addition, the hypothesis about the absence of general toxicity of MXene when introduced into the body will be tested. This hypothesis is based on the assumption that MXene is metabolized into titanium oxides, which will be excreted by the kidneys without hindrance. The work will test hypotheses about the possible accumulation of nanolaminates in tissues and their complete elimination from the body.

Equally important in the study of the biocompatibility of MXene is determining the specifics of their interaction with the components of the immune system. This component is based on the hypothesis of the absence of a specific immune response to cell contact with MXene and the blocking of the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines. To test the hypothesis, an ex-vivo study of the reaction of monocytes and macrophages to various concentrations and compositions of MXene will be conducted, with the determination of the production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Based on the hypothesis of nonspecific interaction of MXene with the cell wall of microorganisms, a study of the mechanisms of antibacterial action of MXene of different composition and size will be conducted. Additionally, the hypothesis about the possibility of photothermal destruction of microorganisms using infrared radiation in the presence of MXene will be tested.

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